Wednesday, February 25, 2009

H.S. v. Club

Every year the battle rages on whether playing H.S. or club is better. Which one gives you the better skills, does playing both hurt you, etc., etc. Having coached club for years, being a H.S. referee, and having four daughters who have played both I feel that I have a somewhat neutral viewpoint. They are very different. For competition I give the nod to club. If you are playing at the Division 1 level the consistency of competition is better than in H.S. where you may have 2-3 good games and the rest may be blowouts. H.S. provides a school spirit, fans and completely different experience. I would recommend both for players, but it would help if he coaches from H.S. and club could work together to minimize the conflict and overwork on the players, but each seems to want to be the primary. It is also funny how club trainers will always blame any injury on H.S. (even when it happens at the club practice) and H.S. trainers complain that the players aren't getting enough rest practicing 5 days a week (at school) and 2-3 times a week (in club). So my advice is have fun playing both and if you have to cut back on club during H.S. season. You will keep in shape with the H.S. games and will still have time to prepare for the club season after H.S. ends. What do you think?

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